Located on the southern coast of Tenerife and with 13 holes located along the sea (holes 6-11 are inland), Amarilla Golf and Country Club has incredible ocean and mountain views. The golf course, which is surrounded by a residential development, provides a challenge for all levels of player. On the 5th hole, it is necessary to cross the sea in order to reach the green. The final three holes are characterised by their large volcanic sand bunkers, and the presence of the neighbouring golf course, Golf del Sur. Amarilla also has a par 3 pitch and putt course for short play practice. There is no handicap or licence requirement on the Amarilla Pitch & Putt which makes it ideal for the whole family to play golf together.
Amarilla Golf Club, 38639, San Miguel De Abona (Tenerife)
Po - Ne: 8:00 - 13:00, 16:00 - 19:00
+420 245 007 156 teetime@teetime.czTeeTime SE
IČO: 24236381
se sídlem
Štětkova 1638/18, Nusle, 140 00 Praha 4
zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl H, vložka 840
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