
Baviera Golf

Baviera Golf

O hřišti

Baviera Golf, located on the spurs of Sierra de la Almijara (east of Málaga), lies on valley boasting an ideal microclimate for the practice of golf. The Golf Club is just 500 meters away from Caleta de Vélez, with its Marina and magnificient beaches, which together with Nerja and Torre del Mar, are among the best on the Costa del Sol.

Málaga Airport being just 30 minutes from the Club and direct exit (no 274) from the Málaga-Granada-Almeria motorway, makes it convenient for our guest to get to the Club, moreover, it will only take 45 minutes drive from the golf course to Sierra Nevada Ski resort, a wonderful place to practice winter sports.

Baviera Golf has been designed by José María Canizares, the prestigious professional golfer. Canizares is one of our most international and charismatic golfers in whose record are 5 tournaments of the European circuit and 2 world championships as well as several participations in the Ryder Cup.

Baviera Golf is an even course characterized by its wide greens with many movements and the great variety of obstacles which offer a big range of strokes and an ideal design for all types of handicap.

The variety of holes and the unsurpassable views both to the Mediterranean sea and the mountains contribute to make you enjoy and share an unforgettable day at Baviera Golf.


Rychlá rezervace


18 jamek


Baviera Golf

Urbanización Baviera Golf, Casa Club, 29751, Caleta de Vélez (Málaga)

Hráčská hodnocení tohoto hřiště

Celkové průměrné hodnocení
Celková kondice hřiště
Ztvárnění hřiště (layout)
Servis, služby, personál
Restaurace, hotel a další
Poměr cena/výkon
Přidejte vlastní recenzi hřiště
Baviera Golf
Napsat recenzi



Hodnocená kategorie

Stáří recenze

Celková kondice hřiště
Ztvárnění hřiště (layout)
Servis, služby, personál
Restaurace, hotel a další
Poměr cena/výkon

Karel K. HCP 12.8 Před 636 dny, 11 hodinami, 40 minutami


TeeTime SE

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