Built in the late ‘50s, the course of Biella Golf Club “Le Betulle” (The Birches) is set in the charming countryside along the slopes of the Serra moraine, just a few kilometres from Biella and Ivrea. It is provided with any facility, including a Club House with restaurant and guest rooms. The course, an 18 holes parkland , par 73 , 6.534 mt., 7.146 yards, has been designed by the English architect, John Morrison, and it extends in a scenario of rare natural beauty, favouring the morphological characteristics of the ground. It is located at an altitude of 1.936 feet asl. Open every day from April 1st till the end of November. Since many years it has been considered one of the best courses worldwide, both from the domestic and the international press. It is an excellent testing ground for players of every ability.
Basic | 16 Eur |
Basic | 9 Eur |
Mon - Fri | 80 Eur |
Sat - Sun + holidays | 120 Eur |
Mon - Fri | 65 Eur |
Sat - Sun + holidays | 90 Eur |
Regione Valcarrozza 2, 13887 , Magnano
Po - Ne: 8:00 - 13:00, 16:00 - 19:00
+420 245 007 156 teetime@teetime.czTeeTime SE
IČO: 24236381
se sídlem
Štětkova 1638/18, Nusle, 140 00 Praha 4
zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl H, vložka 840
© 2024 - TeeTime SE - Golfový portál, všechna práva vyhrazena
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