The Villa of Zerman was built by the patrician Venetian family, Condulmer, at the end of the 17th century, on the ruins of an old Benedictine convent. When the Veneto region passed into the hands of the Austrians, the Villa was bought by the powerful Graz family, who subsequently changed their name to Grassi, after establishing permanent residency in Venice.The Villa was completely restored in accordance with the style of the times. Later, it was purchased by the Tornielli, a noble family from Piedmont. The Torniellis were music lovers, who frequently hosted Giuseppe Verdi at Zerman, where he composed part of The Traviata on a piano that still exists today.In 1958, Villa Condulmer became an exclusive hotel and in February,1960, Golf Club Villa Condulmer was born, with the first nine holes designed by the architect, John Harris.Thereafter, thanks to the hotel\'s concession of the conservatory and the structure that today houses the caddie master, the first Club House was created. This was followed by the purchase of the building that is now the present Club House. Then came the expansion; the wing dedicated to the locker rooms; the restaurant; the terrace; and the second nine holes designed by Marco Croze.
Basic | 30 Eur |
Basic | 20 Eur |
Feriale | 70 Eur |
Festivo | 80 Eur |
Feriale | 35 Eur |
Festivo | 40 Eur |
Via Croce 3, 31021, Mogliano
Po - Ne: 8:00 - 13:00, 16:00 - 19:00
+420 245 007 156 teetime@teetime.czTeeTime SE
IČO: 24236381
se sídlem
Štětkova 1638/18, Nusle, 140 00 Praha 4
zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl H, vložka 840
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