


O hřišti

Sueno Golf Club is a classical golf club that attracts attention of both local and foreign golf lovers with its rapid rise in the golf world. Thanks to the temperate climate of Antalya, Belek region that became a golf paradise, the club can offer unique hospitality to guests and local, national and international tournaments throughout a long golf season.

In Sueno Golf Club, golf games become exiting journeys to the nature. The hotel building is within the golf field composed of two different courses including total 36 holes in an environment enhanced with lakes and pine trees. So you can watch the golf tournaments even from cafes, lobby, bars and swimming pool, and experience the excitement.

Two master pieces offered to the golf world... Two 18-hole fabulous courses… One is named as Pines and the other as Dunes. A unique golf field that will win the heart of golf lovers at first site with the elaborate design on approximately 1500 hectares of land created under the supervision of PGA Design Consulting. For you to experience the royal tradition of golf and perfect games that you will wish to be endless…


Rychlá rezervace


18 jamek Akademie Ubytování Nosič holí Klubovna Driving range Půjčovna vozíků Parkování Restaurace SPA



, 07525, Kadriye

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Celkové průměrné hodnocení
Celková kondice hřiště
Ztvárnění hřiště (layout)
Servis, služby, personál
Restaurace, hotel a další
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TeeTime SE

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zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl H, vložka 840

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